Monday, February 13, 2012

Exes, Dispose the Garbage!

I think everyone has that ONE ex-boyfriend that just will NEVER get the point, {IT'S OVER AND I NO LONGER WANT YOU!!!!} It's like no matter what you do to get them to either forget you or just leave you alone, he.she always finds a way to keep in touch. Like what do you want??!

Even when you reject their calls, don't speak to or see them they are always somewhere hanging on by a PIECE OF THREAD!! 
Now, I'm not a fan of changing phone numbers, but I realize thats what I have to do because it just makes no sense. And have you noticed that they always try to question the current relationship that you're in?? ANNOYING, right? I KNOW!! 

You NEVER hear from them when you're single but once you get into a new relationship, it's like THEY ALL GET A NOTIFICATION THAT YOU HAVE A NEW BOYFRIEND! LOL what's up with that??

Ex-boyfriend. The very term conjures up many things for most of us. Some of it may be good, but most of it is likely bad; otherwise, why would you have broken up? No matter how bad things got, though, the awesome thing about ex-boyfriends is that they pave the way to future happiness. Whether you have a small handful or a truckload of the dudes, each one likely helped you realize who you ultimately wanted to spend your life with, and for that, they are invaluable.

I don't regret a single relationship, no matter how badly each ended because they led me to this, my most amazing husband. Five years together we have an unshakable bond and the reason I knew it was right was because it had been so very wrong before.

Also, I don't do the whole "We can just be friends then" thingy at all. I feel some type of way about that. I will never understand how two mates can break up and still be "cool."

I feel like that's just an easy way for them to fuck up what you have with your significant other at that time. 

And another thing! What is there to talk about? How about we both move on with life!! That sounds better to me.

LADIES!!!!! Listen, just DROP YOUR EX because you're only making yourself look stupid. In a dude's mind, they're thinking "oh yea she must still want me since she said she wanna be close friends"!!

You don't want that, so let em' all go. You will be better without em'. TRUST ME! 

Tips for Getting RID of the EXES
  1. Get one of your male friends to start answering your phone for you. Do this enough times and most guys will get the hint. Make sure you pick a friend whose voice he won't recognize and make sure he sounds extremely casual and comfortable answering your phone.
  2. If you have an extremely jealous ex ( like so many of us do) having a guy answer your phone may backfire on you. So you've got to try a different tactic. If you want to get really creative, crank up some loud music (doesn't matter what time of day) and yell into the phone whenever he calls. He'll think you're having the time of your life without him and will hopefully leave you alone.
  3. This solution is an almost sure fire way to get rid of those annoying phone calls. Just be straightforward. I'm sure you're concerned about hurting his feelings, but there is a way to do this without causing too much harm. It goes like this "I really enjoy our friendship, but I think I need some time to get over you. I'd really appreciate it if you didn't call me for a while." His ego will be boosted by the idea that you're still pining away over him. But he'll also get the picture that it's not okay for him to call anymore.
The true key to getting rid of your clueless boyfriend is to be assertive and honest. Seriously, remember you can not sound as if you might be willing to let him back in. If he feels that he has even an inkling of a chance he will not give up. If all else fails, put a block on your phone and get a restraining order. Or better yet, let your big cousin Vinnie talk to him. Yes, I'm serious. 
If a guy can't take it when you tell him openly not to call or show up at your house then he has a problem that HE (not you) needs to solve. You can do it. I promise. Get rid of the ex of your nightmares so you can move on to the MAN OF YOUR DREAMS!!!

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