Monday, February 6, 2012


Have you ever been so stressed from doing things to improve your future? WELL, that's how I feel as now! I've been applying for SO many scholarships, internships, and jobs! I'm so freaking tired. I'm at the end of my sophomore year as a college student. Before I know it, I will be a college graduate. WHOA, big accomplishment right?! I know. There is no time for sleep at all. My DREAMS are BIGGER than LIFE! My whole family and all of my friends are on my back about not hearing from me. No offense, but I'm trying to succeed here. I apologize to my family and friends for not spending time with them lately. I have other things to do. I haven't had any time to just have fun and enjoy life to the fullest. And the most important thing in life is to ENJOY LIFE to the fullest. The 3 L's {Live, Laugh, Love}. So I realized I'm going to work my butt off now, and sleep later when everything is accomplished!

Daisha Veezy

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